The PSPA candidate will be required to perform the following:
1) Empty Toboggan
2) Loaded Toboggan
3) Loaded Skills
Any separation from the sled that endangers the patient or creates a dangerous situation will result in a failing score for that run.
The candidate will be expected to drive an empty toboggan to an obvious simulated incident scene. Each candidate will be scored on how well they control the empty toboggan to the scene and their approach to and from the simulated incident. Although it is important that the candidate expeditiously reach the scene, safety and control rather than speed are the most important criteria. In addition to their approach to the scene, candidates will be scored on how well they handle trail merges, pitch changes, other obstacles and the skiing public. This run is apt to be from the top of the mountain to the bottom and may include a section with moguls.
Each candidate will be expected to drive a loaded toboggan down a steep moguled trail. Route selection, control and the consistency of speed will determine the candidates score. The sled's rider will have a simulated painful tib-fib injury. The simulated injury will help the examiners gauge the smoothness of the run. The simulated patient will ride on their stomachs facing head downhill and should refrain from any “coaching” with the driver.
This section of the exam will take place on a steep terrain through a course set with bamb oo and may or may not be set in the moguls. It is meant to simulate marginal conditions on a trail requiring the candidate to traverse several times to stay on the "best" route. Although speed is important, the safest, smoothest ride possible for the patient are the primary concerns. The simulated patient will ride on their stomachs facing head downhill and should refrain from any “coaching” with the driver.